It is to say that we care about the rights of its intellectual property and wholeheartedly agree to the term the Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA). Basically, DMCA outrages the way out and the guidance lines to report copyright infringement on our platform. 

If you found profitable the way your copyright work has been worked on your site which constructed the copyright infringement then follow the following.

Copyright infringement notification

You have to inform the copyright agent if any content of your is infringed, but be aware that for all that doings you have to be a copyright owner/agent. Please make the following part of your notification.

  • A copyright owner’s physical or electronic signature should be authorized.
  • It is to be identified that the copyright work has been infringed.
  • A reasonable information should be provided to locate the infringing material, and a reliable access should be provided to to disable infringing activity.
  • Contact information,including your address , telephone number, and email address.
  • Strong statement should be provided that the material which has made the infringing copyright activity is not allowed by the copyright owner.

All these information must be submitted to ; [email protected]